When I was in London last weekend I remembered that Asprey the jewellers make leather belt converter for scarves. So I went to the shop and although they did not have many left, I managed to get a lovely one in pink ostrich leather. I found using a 90cm Hermes scarf was too big so it fits better for me with the 70cm vintage size scarves. I think I will get a lot more use out of scarves with this handy gadget!!
Asprey's corporate colour is purple-including the ink in the pen to sign your bill with!
A silver coloured buckle finishes the look.
I have attached my Kelly en Caleche 70cm vintage scarf to the leather belt ends. There is a bit of a knack to tying the scarf on, but once you get it, it works well.
Worn to the front, but the belt will look equally good with the converter to the back.
Now I am looking forward to seeing the new design for the next season! I have to say the SA was a dream in Aspreys so I won't be shy to go in there again :-)