Saturday, 12 September 2009

Let's get to the Point..u

I have a number of Pointu scarves and I have been trying to come up with new ways to wear them. Today I found this looked nice:-

It is very easy to do and is a play on a knot you can do with a normal square scarf.

I am wearing/using my Hermes Carre en Carre Pointu which I bought in Hermes Berlin Friedrichstrasse last January.

Take the pointu and place it right side up.
Then pull one end over to meet the other end so that the wrong side is showing on the triangle you have made.

Then pinch together the right angle/square corner you have made along the longest part of the triangle

Then gently make a knot and pull tight - try to avoid straining or pulling on the hand rolled hems

Next flip the scarf ends open to reveal the right side again and tuck the knot down behind the twist of silk
Then put the scarf around your neck, you can either put the scarf in place by tying a knot at the back or you can cross the ends over at the back once and bring the ends back to the front and knot again under the twist at the front.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Monte Carlo

Just back from Nice and Monte Carlo where I managed to purchase the exclusive Hermes scarf made for the Societe des Bains de Mer.  There was a choice of 4 colourways: lemon yellow, pale green, turquoise blue and orange and I chose the orange - I was surprised that I liked it but it works really well as it has lots of red in it too.  The design is by Joachim Metz. The shop that sells the scarves is the "Boutique SBM" and is located immediately to the right of the Casino as you come out of the Casino and just before the Cafe de Paris - the scarves are on display in the window.  Really easy to find but I am including a photo of the shop just to be sure!!
I have shown the scarf worn in a variety of ways:  equestrian, equestrian then tied in a half ascot, then a twist and finally the friendship knot.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Gone to the Dogs again.....

I was in Hermes at Harrods a few weeks back and I saw a scarf I had passed on a few weeks earlier which I really regretted.  Anyway I saw another one and had to have it this time - the pale pink and lilac Polaires scarf - OK I have the navy blue one but the pink and lilac is so lovely I could not resist!

Worn with a simple knot tail folded over equestrian style
Worn basic fold with a scarf ring

Worn cossack style

Worn with a scarf ring/butterfly knot