Monday, 21 January 2013

Snowy Weather

It has been snowing here for a few days and today I managed to get out and about the business park where I work to take some photos:-
One of the many icy ponds!

A crow keeps watch.

2 of the resident Coots.

A tranquil snow scene.

Beautiful red Dogwood branches.

I was attracted to this lovely green lichen with ice.

A female Mallard duck errr ice breaker!!!

She was really efficient but also clever by
following an existing channel which
had refrozen but which was thinner ice! 

She's really going for it.

The leaping salmon makes a great look out 
post for the Gulls!

Lovely snow capped Mahonia.

And back at home my cyclamen were covered in snow but look how pretty the patterns are - the snow followed the shape of the leaves to make these lovely "snow hearts"!!

A cyclamen snow heart ahh cute!

My second daffodil to flower
the first one got eaten!


  1. Such pretty snow pictures. The duck and the cyclamen hearts are very cute indeed. I am loving all the white winter pics appearing on all the blogs. Cools me down in our heat!

    1. Hi Patricia
      Oh yes I have heard how the Antipodes are suffering with 45C or so - too much for me too!! Hope it cools soon for you. Have a great weekend, SAx

  2. Very lovely winter/snow pictures! :-) Have a HAPPY week! :-)

    1. Ahh thank you HappyFace :-) You have a great weekend, SAx

  3. How lovely! We haven't got any daffodils yet but their leaves are poking through the snow a little bit. Lots of snowdrops have been buried under the snow, hope their OK.

    Seriously hoping it melts and we can get back to normal ASAP!


    1. Hi PP- ah well the snow will be keeping the flowers "warm" - warmer than if no snow and lots of frost! Am sure they will look gorgeous once it all melts and they can flower. I tin you should be thawing good and proper by Saturday! SAx

  4. What a lovely work setting you have! very peaceful looking, such a clever duck following an existing channel! x

    1. Hi Elle- well it was a female duck LOL! Yes it is very pleasant at work whatever the season. I am quite lucky only it is miles from any shops so you have to drive out for them! Have a great weekend, SAx

  5. Love the cyclamen snow heart! Very romantic.
    Thanks for sharing these photos SA :-)
    Anne Touraine (Playing with Scarves)

  6. Hi Anne - you're welcome glad you like, SA:-)

  7. The cyclamen snow hearts - and the lichen - are as delightful as the scarves you photograph! You have a great eye for beauty.

    Kelley (Preppy Palagi)

    1. Thank you so much Kelley - glad you have enjoyed my photos!
